Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dancing to the Music

Day 48 of 365 Tiny Changes

I’m not a huge follower of music.  I mean, I like it and all, but I never remember the lyrics to songs or who wrote them or when or who recorded them.  None of that really seems important to me.  What matters to me is whether I like the song or not.

However, every once in while, I get a song in my head that just won’t leave.  I’m serious.  When this happens, the song will stay in my head for DAYS.  I have dreams with the song in them, I wake up with the song in my head.  Every where I go, the song comes with me.

I have a song in my head right now.  It’s a current song playing on the radio, but I have no idea who the artist is or even what the lyrics are.  I have the melody in my head.  Maybe you will recognize it...

laaa Laa LA.
laaa Laa LA.

laaa Laa LA.
laaa Laa LA.



laaa Laa LA.
laaa Laa LA.

laaa Laa LA.
laaa Laa LA.

Know it?  This is what I have been living with for the last 3 days and nights.  It’s a really good thing I actually like this song.

I could fight against it.  Listen to other music, really loudly, to try to replace it with something else.  Or I could beat my head against a wall, in hopes that the ensuing headache would replace the repeating melody.

I’ve decided, instead to live with it.  I like the song.  It’s up beat.  It’s fun.  So I’m going to enjoy it while I have it.  I have taken time out to dance to it at least a half dozen times.  Twice today, already.

I wish life was more like the movies and we all had a mood setting soundtrack that played in our head.  Think about it.  How handy this would be?  For instance, let’s say we’re driving along, we hear nice soothing music, when suddenly the sound increases, the music gets more dramatic, then right as we’re about to get hit broad side in an intersection, the music gets all chaotic, with lots of cymbals clashing and drums banging.  Well, when this series began, we would know to pull over and get out of the car, for our own safety and maybe even the safety of our cars.

Going one step further, the sound track would be able to guide all of our actions.  Asleep on the couch, hear a sound upstairs, begin to climb the stairs.  Hint, hint.  If the music gets scary, DON’T CLIMB THE STAIRS.  Instead, go out side and go the direction that the music in your head directs you to go.  If you turn left, and the music is still scary, or worse, gets louder, then go right, until the music is softer and calmer.  I’ve always wondered why, with all that loud scary music playing, actors choose to climb stairs to trap them selves, when they could just as easily walk out the front door to wide open spaces and other non-scary humans.  I’m sure they get compensated well for being so addle brained.

How about going shopping?  We simply walk along the sidewalk, turn toward a store, reach for the door, and then listen to the music that plays in our head.  If it’s happy music, we may be in for a really good deal.  If it’s symphony music, we may be in for some really boring choices.  Let the music do the choosing.  Life would be a whole lot simpler this way.

So, that is what I’m going to do.  I’m no longer going to fight the song that randomly appears in my head.  I’m going to live with it.  Maybe even reflect on it a little.  This particular song is happy, so maybe I’m happy.  If the next song is a little sad, maybe something is making me a little sad.  Sometimes, I hear the Smurf song.  Don’t think I really want to reflect on that one, although I really have nothing against little blue people.

I think I’ll take this one step further.  I’m going to choose to live with some of the other little, somewhat annoying, things that pop up in my life.  You know, the kind of things I’m talking about.  Like when some one else sits down at my desk and moves my stuff.  Irritating.  But not really important in the overall experience of life.  Someone puts the dishes away in the wrong spot.  Bothersome.  Well, at least they got put away, and I didn’t have to do it.

Tiny Change 48:  Don’t sweat the small stuff, and enjoy the music.

What irritating little things can you learn to overlook.

Best Regards,


Tiny Blessing of the Day:  I am truly blessed to be able to hear music of any kind.

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